on the doorposts

Sunday, February 25, 2007

crisis in education

Time.com has called Dr. R. Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the “reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S.” In the current issue of Southern Seminary Magazine (The Tie), Dr. Mohler addressed America's crisis in education. These excerpts represent both his introductory and closing thoughts:

"The American educational system is in an undeclared state of disaster, with competing ideologies and shifting worldviews undermining the very nature of education itself. In the state-controlled school systems, ideologies of naturalism, secularism, materialism and moral relativism shape the prevailing culture and worldview. A pernicious new imposition of “tolerance” as an ideology threatens to silence all voices resistant to absolute relativism."

"Our Christian responsibility is not completed when we have come to terms with the current secular disaster and described its consequences — not by a long shot. Our responsibility is to remind and instruct parents of their urgent responsibility, to motivate churches to action and faithful response, and to reawaken the Christian mind in this generation. If we fail at this task, generations to follow will know darkness rather than light and ignorance rather than wisdom — and it will be our fault."

Click here to read the entire article: http://www.sbts.edu/pdf/tie/2006Winter.pdf


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