united arab emirates & partiality to the wicked
Do you believe a foreign company should administrate major U.S. ports? President Bush does. Do you think the United Arab Emirates should occupy the role of gatekeeper? President Bush does.
Key voices from both the Democrat and Republican Parties are raising loud opposition. The Associated Press released a story an hour ago indicating that the Dubai state-owned company is willing to "delay" its takeover.
U.S. lawmakers and the press seem generally concerned about security issues. What I don't see them mentioning is American jobs. Most citizens didn't know that a British company presently operates the ports in question. Why is the Administration unwilling to hire and train American workers to run the ports? Are we simply that inept?
I believe we're still blessed by God with talented, innovative, and resourceful domestic firms that would doubtless appreciate the opportunity to contribute both to American commerce and security. Let's keep American dollars at home and put able executives and managers to work. Presumably, Dubai Ports World would hire domestic labor, but the fact remains this stands to become a major financial windfall for the Arabs.
Perhaps the greatest concern, however, is that President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and the Administration are planning to favor an Islamic state with this crucial assignment. The fact that the UAE are perceived as allies in the "war on terror" is not relevant to this point. We're planning to reward a people who deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ with tremendous fiscal gain -- at the expense of Christian families.
"It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the righteous of justice." Proverbs 18:5.
Key voices from both the Democrat and Republican Parties are raising loud opposition. The Associated Press released a story an hour ago indicating that the Dubai state-owned company is willing to "delay" its takeover.
WASHINGTON - A United Arab Emirates company offered Thursday to delay part of its $6.8 billion takeover of most operations at six U.S. ports to give the Bush administration more time to convince skeptical lawmakers the deal poses no
security risks.
U.S. lawmakers and the press seem generally concerned about security issues. What I don't see them mentioning is American jobs. Most citizens didn't know that a British company presently operates the ports in question. Why is the Administration unwilling to hire and train American workers to run the ports? Are we simply that inept?
I believe we're still blessed by God with talented, innovative, and resourceful domestic firms that would doubtless appreciate the opportunity to contribute both to American commerce and security. Let's keep American dollars at home and put able executives and managers to work. Presumably, Dubai Ports World would hire domestic labor, but the fact remains this stands to become a major financial windfall for the Arabs.
Perhaps the greatest concern, however, is that President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and the Administration are planning to favor an Islamic state with this crucial assignment. The fact that the UAE are perceived as allies in the "war on terror" is not relevant to this point. We're planning to reward a people who deny the Gospel of Jesus Christ with tremendous fiscal gain -- at the expense of Christian families.
"It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the righteous of justice." Proverbs 18:5.
Excellent article. I wholeheartedly agree with you. The ports should be operated by those who truly care for the security of our country.
Elizabeth Pruett, at Fri Feb 24, 07:52:00 AM PST
You are right Pastor. I don't think we should associate with countries that support Islam, unless we are willing to invite that religion in to America. Also, in church today, our youth pastor spoke in abscence of our pastor, and he addressed the growing issue of the current generation. He stated that if we as Christians do not make an effort to bring this generation to Christ, then there is a possibility that America may not have freedom of worship in 20-25 years. That troubles me, and I want to know your thoughts on this matter.
Anonymous, at Sun Feb 26, 02:46:00 PM PST
Hi Markus,
The responsibility to make disciples should weigh strongly upon us. From what you mentioned about your youth pastor's message, I would say it is timely.
We are blessed to live in such a time and place that we do not understand real persecution. Individuals, of course, may be persecuted for decisive acts of faithfulness to God, but there is no systemic persecution against the church at this time. Will that last forever? If history is an indicator, I would say it's not likely.
Having said that, we can trust God for His grace to make disciples of the Lord Jesus during our life time. ...And then we can gladly leave the results to Him!
(Thanks for such a good question.)
Robert W Moore, at Tue Feb 28, 09:39:00 PM PST
Thanks Pastor for your wise insight. Glad to be reminded to trust God. By the way, that is what we are studying in our early morning Bible session with our dad, Trust. It is a powerful word.
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 01, 05:47:00 AM PST
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