created to declare and proclaim the praise of God
"...It is perfectly clear that neither words nor singing (if used in prayer) are of the least consequence, or avail one iota with God, unless they proceed from deep feeling in the heart.
"...We do not condemn words of singing, but rather greatly commend them, provided the feeling of the mind goes along with them. For in this way the thought of God is kept alive on our minds, which, from their fickle and versatile nature, soon relax, and are distracted by various objects, unless various means are used to support them. Besides, since the glory of God ought in a manner to be displayed in each part of our body, the special service to which the tongue should be devoted is that of singing and speaking, inasmuch as it has been expressly created to declare and proclaim the praise of God."
-- JOHN CALVIN, Institutes of the Christian Religion
Thanks, Steve. I meant to reply to this earlier, and it slipped by. I'll post a few quotes such as this from time to time.
Robert W Moore, at Tue Feb 28, 09:42:00 PM PST
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